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Hard Line Cleric Says Iran Will Target Israel If Attacked

Iran's Raisi Warns Israel, Sees Iran as a Secure Partner

Hard-line cleric says Iran will target Israel if attacked

President elected in 2021 aims to expedite nuclear program

Ebrahim Raisi, Iran's hard-line religious cleric elected president in 2021, has warned Israel that his country's armed forces will target it if it makes any aggressive move against Iran. In a speech at the United Nations in September, Raisi condemned Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories and said that people see Iran as a secure partner.

Raisi's comments come amid heightened tensions between Iran and Israel. In April 2022, Raisi warned that Israel would face consequences if it took any military action against Iran. He also said that Iran is ready to respond to any threat from Israel and will defend its interests and security.

Raisi's election as president has been seen as a sign of Iran's shift towards a more hard-line stance. Raisi is a close ally of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and he has promised to continue Khamenei's policies of resistance against the United States and its allies.

Raisi has also vowed to expedite Iran's nuclear program, which has been a major source of tension between Iran and the West. The United States and its allies accuse Iran of developing nuclear weapons, but Iran denies this, saying its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

Raisi's presidency is likely to be marked by continued tensions with the United States and its allies, as well as with Israel. It remains to be seen whether Raisi will be able to fulfill his promises to expedite Iran's nuclear program and to respond to any threats from Israel.


Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has made it clear that he will not tolerate any threats from Israel. He has also said that Iran is a secure partner for those who seek cooperation. Raisi's presidency is likely to be marked by continued tensions with the United States and its allies, as well as with Israel. It remains to be seen whether Raisi will be able to fulfill his promises to expedite Iran's nuclear program and to respond to any threats from Israel.
